Four times Outstanding Dacorum Education Support Centre receives top accolade from OFSTED.

“Pupils thrive and flourish” states the recent OFSTED Outstanding inspection of Dacorum Education Support Centre published on 11th July 2023.
Inspectors visited the Pupil Referral Unit which has two sites in Hemel Hempstead and caters for children aged 4 to 16 who have been permanently excluded from school or who are at serious risk of exclusion, on 24th and 25th May 2023. Following Outstanding OFSTED judgements in 2013 and 2016 the latest report states that “Dacorum Education Support Centre continues to be an outstanding school”.
The work of the Centre was highly praised where “Pupils are successfully re-engaged in education” and are “well prepared for adulthood and future employment or education”.
It continued “Pupils have a warm relationship with the adults in charge”. “Behaviour is excellent because staff know the pupils well”.
It recognised that “DESC’s leaders work together as a close team” and that “Governors bring a wealth of skills”.
“We are thrilled with the latest OFSTED report and are delighted that the comments of the inspectors recognised the commitment and dedication as well as the expertise of all the staff working hard to ensure best outcomes for every learner engaging with DESC” declared Sara Lalis, Executive Headteacher.
Sara commented “to receive Outstanding is such high praise and recognition but to receive that validation three times as the Headteacher leading the organisation is something truly special”.
She continued “To have DESC’s work recognised as going well beyond that of being a school shows the impact we have on the life chances of all the young people we work with both at our two Centres as well as the work we do preventatively and therapeutically in all our 70 Dacorum primary and secondary schools”.
Read report below...